Documents Tab

Commonly asked questions regarding uploading documents when creating a transaction.


Can multiple documents be included in a single transaction?

 Yes, you can upload more than one document into a single transaction. To add more than one document to a transaction, simply click the "Upload Document" button to upload all documents you'd like included in the transaction.  We suggest uploading them in the order that you wish for the documents to be signed.

Please note that there is a maximum at 99 documents per transaction, but we suggest keeping the number smaller to have a better experience overall. The more documents uploaded, the longer it will take to open and tag them all, and the longer it will take for your signers to complete the signing process.



How can I change a document's name?


  1. If you'd like to change a document's name after you've uploaded it, go to the "Documents" tab.
  2. Find the document you'd like to rename and click the gear icon.
  3. Enter the new name and click the "Ok" button.


How can I reorder documents in a transaction?


In the "Documents" tab, select the document you would like to move. Use the arrow icon to move your documents up or down. Another option would be to use the Move Up/Move Down buttons on the right side of the list of documents to move the document up or down.