How can I see my document's SignatureHistory?

Each SIGNiX signature and initial create an embedded signature on the document, it also embeds a history of the document through each signature.

We call this the Signature History™. With this feature, you can easily show what the document looked like when a particular signer signed the document. This is especially useful in multiple signature and party workflows where one signer may question the content of a document at the time of signature. It’s available within the document, even offline.

If you have received a document

With more than one signature, you can take a look at the embedded Signature History within compliant PDF viewers on Windows and Mac computers. Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click (Cmd-click) on a signature, and choose View Signed Version.
  2. The PDF viewer will create a new window displaying what the document looked like when that signer signed the document.