Order of Signers on a Transaction

The order of signers can be adjusted on the Signers tab.

You can use the directional buttons on the left side of each signer to drag and drop signers in the appropriate order.

In general, the signers will be ordered as you add them to the transaction. If you need someone to be moved in the order, drag their arrow button into the correct spot.

Signers must complete the documents in the order they are listed on the transaction.

They must go one at a time, and they cannot sign at the same time as each other.

If you need your signers to complete in any order, you can select one of them on the screen, and use the "Move Down" or "Move Up" buttons to adjust their order. The row selected will be highlighted to better show which signer will be moved.

For example, if you make everyone "Order 1" then they will all receive emails to sign when the transaction is Started.

Keep in mind that, again, the signers cannot sign at literally the same time.

So if your signers try to login at the same time as each other, they may see error messages and need to come back later when no one else is also trying to sign at the same time as them.