PDF Version Numbers - What is this and Why is it Important?

PDF Version Number will help you better understand compatibility with SIGNiX.

New features, like support for digital signatures, are introduced in different ‘versions’ of the PDF document standard. This version number can be found in the Properties of the document, and will tell the software or service that’s using them what kind of things can be added to them. For example, much older versions of PDF documents didn’t allow for form fields or for certain tables, etc. Some versions even restrict whether digital signatures can be added to them.  When you create a PDF document on your computer in a program like Adobe Reader or via Microsoft Office, you are likely creating one of the newer versions and so you may not have any issues signing your document online.  In fact, for reference, digital signatures weren’t supported in PDF until after version 1.3 was introduced, which was 21 years ago. We recommend the use of PDF version 1.5 or higher, with 1.7 being the highest currently. Any number below that may or may not work in a SIGNiX signature transaction and we cannot guarantee there will not be errors involved either during or after signing.

If you find that your PDF version is too low, you can flatten it to update the document and raise its version number. Please see this article for instructions: How to Flatten a Document

Here are instructions to find the PDF version of your document:
  • Open the document in Adobe Reader
  • Click on "Menu" at the top left of the screen
  • Click on "Document Properties" in the drop down menu
  • Check under the "Advanced" section in the "Description" tab - see screenshot below