eNotaryDox Information

Here is some general information about SIGNiX as a RON Vendor to help you get started or to refresh your knowledge.

Support is available Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm EDT, excluding certain holidays

Be sure that you have given each signer the correct authentication method before you send out a transaction

  • Many states require signers to use the KBA ID Scan authentication, which involves checking their SSN and DOB, answering personal questions, and taking pictures of their ID for verification
  • Check your state laws on what is required for you, your signers, and your witnesses
  • Making edits to the transaction after it has been created can be limited, depending on the situation. Please contact Support to discuss a specific situation.

You must tag each document with fields for your signatures and your notary seals

  • Each notary stamp must be associated with a notary's signature
  • The notary can place as many signatures and stamps as the documents require
  • The "Send" and "Status" screens of the transaction will display the number of notary stamps in red text toward the bottom, as a reminder to the notary

The notary must always be the last signer on the transaction

  • Signers must go one at a time, in the order they are listed on the transaction
  • Signers may not go at the same time, nor out of order, as that will cause errors
  • Each signer will get an email when it becomes their turn to sign, so not everyone will get an email at the same time
  • The notary should pay attention to the Email Hold feature
  • The notary will sign last, after every other signer has completed, and then they will finish the transaction by notarizing the signatures

When adding yourself as the notary to a new transaction, always check both "I am the signer" and "Notary" checkboxes

  • You must check both of these checkboxes in the correct order every single time you add yourself because this ensures the system uses the correct information on file for you
  • Do not use the "I am the signer" checkbox for anyone but yourself, or you will have errors.
  • How to upload your notary seal

After creating the transaction, be sure to logout of the Document Center Home screen

  • Only one person can access a transaction at a time, so be sure you are logged out before your first signer logs in
  • If you decide to use the "Launch Now" button to start your Zoom meeting, then you will automatically be logged out of your SIGNiX Document Center
  • Only one signer can login to sign documents at a time, and the notary should login last

On the Zoom Meeting, be sure to following these best practices:

  • Signers should all be visible on camera, and heard by each other through audio on the meeting - if you cannot see or hear someone, they will need to troubleshoot their Zoom to correct this
  • If you have multiple signers, it is best if they can each use a different device such as a laptop or computer to join the meeting and sign their documents separately
  • Signers do not need to share their screen during signing, they will instead speak with the notary about the actions they are taking during the meeting
  • It is best if all signers can remain on the meeting together until the full transaciton is finished, after the notary has completed signing

To be kept up to date on when system updates occur, please subscribe to our System Status page here: https://www.signix.com/trust-and-system-status

  • Subscribing to this status page will allow you to receive emails whenever there is a problem or when we are releasing a fix or update into the system
  • Not every issue or update will be related to eNotaryDox, some might be related to one of our other products available to other clients