How to Notarize Multiple People

There may be situations where you need to notarize documents for more than one person within a single transaction, which can be done with these simple steps.

If you need to notarize multiple people within a single transaction, for example a husband and wife, then you can follow these steps below. The process is very much the same as when you just have one person to notarize for, so you are likely already familiar with many of these steps.

Steps to follow:

  • Click on the "Create New Transaction" button in your account to get started.
  • Add the first signer by entering their Name, Email address, and select the appropriate authentication method for them.
  • Click on the "Add New Signer" button to add the second signer, following the step above.
  • Repeat these steps as needed until you have all signers added.
  • Add the notary last in the order.
  • Click "Next" and upload all required documents into the transaction.
  • Click "Next" and begin placing signatures for the first signer onto the document(s).
  • When you have finished giving the first signer all required signatures, change the "signers" drop down menu at the top of the screen to the second signer, and repeat the above step.
  • When you have given all of the other signers their required signatures, change the "signers" drop down menu at the top to yourself, the notary, and begin placing your own signatures onto the document(s).
  • For each of your notary signatures, you have the option to place a notary stamp.
  • When you have multiple other signers, the system will ask which signer(s) and their signatures that each of your stamps will be notarizing.
    Select the option that fits your document and situation.
  • Proceed with setting up the rest of the transaciton as you normally would by Sending it out to be signed, Scheduling the Zoom meeting with everyone, and Stopping the Email Hold when ready to begin signing.
  • If all signers can attend one Zoom meeting together, they will sign one at a time, in the order they are listed on the transaction - they cannot all sign at the same time.
  • If you need to meet with each signer at different times, you can select who is or is not invited to the Zoom meeting when scheduling the first one. Once the first meeting has ended, you can return to the transaction and schedule a second meeting.

If your document is setup for you to notarize everyone else with a single stamp, then you will select all signers when prompted in the above screenshot.

If your document is instead setup where you can notarize each person with one stamp per person, then select the appropriate person for that particular stamp.

The system allows you the notary to customize this setting because every document can be unique and different from the last.

We cannot tell you what is the "right" option to select here, it is up to you as the notary determine how you need to setup the document.

What to Expect while Signing

The signing process should be much the same as it is with a single signer.

Keep in mind that everyone must go one at a time, in the order they are listed on the transaction - they cannot all sign at the same time, that will result in errors.

You as the notary will sign last, after everyone else - you will not notarize in between each person.

When you Stop the Email Hold, that will send an email to the First signer, and no one else, so that they can begin signing the document(s).

Once the first person is Finished, the system will automatically email the Second signer to begin, and it will continue that way until everyone is complete.

If one person is unable to pass their Authentication and cannot sign the document(s) then you cannot skip that person, but instead all other signers must wait until a resolution can be found.

Suggestions for Signer Authentication issues:

  • Check to ensure the signer has all the correct info in the transaction and that they are following the authentication instructions properly.
  • The KBA method does lock out after several attempts, no matter if the signer passes or fails or just starts the authentication. The lockout is 24 hours so everyone will need to wait until they can try again.
  • Many states allow for a credible witness, who can be added to the transaction as another signer to authenticate and sign the document(s).
  • Check with your state RON laws to see what you can do when it comes to signer authentication.